Gippsland Water

Baldwin Road Sewage Pump Station & Rising Main


Pump station and sewer mains

Contract Type


Year of Completion




Supporting Development with Wastewater Services

Improving the sewerage system, Gippsland Water‘s project enhances community sustainability.

Project Overview

The Baldwin Road sewage pump station and rising main, involved the installation of a 3.5 metre diameter, 14 metre deep pre-cast pump station.

Project Solution

Diona completed the Baldwin Road sewage pump station and rising main project for Gippsland Water. The project involved erecting a pre-cast pump station, 3.5 metres in diameter and 14 metres deep, utilising a 250-tonne crane to position the 17-tonne segments. Additionally, the scope encompassed laying a 2.7-kilometre DN300 PVC rising main, connecting the pump station to an existing WWTP and rising main.

ESG Alignment

Upgrading the sewerage system improves waste management, reducing the risk of pollution to surrounding ecosystems and water sources.

By ensuring proper sewage handling, the project enhances public health and sanitation standards, directly benefiting the local community. This supports social equity and inclusivity by providing essential infrastructure for all residents, regardless of socio-economic status.

Implementing the project according to industry standards and regulatory requirements demonstrates a commitment to good governance practices. This includes adherence to safety protocols, environmental regulations, and ethical business conduct, enhancing the company’s reputation and risk management profile.

The installation of a new sewer pump station and rising main supports the goal of ensuring availability and sustainable management of water and sanitation. This project enhances the sewage handling capacity, contributing to improved sanitation and wastewater management in the area.

The use of a 250-tonne crane to install pre-cast segments and the construction of a 2.7km DN300 PVC rising main demonstrate innovative approaches and advancements in infrastructure development. These technical aspects highlight Diona’s commitment to building resilient infrastructure and fostering innovation in construction techniques.

By improving the sewerage system, the project contributes to the sustainability of the local community. Adequate sewage handling is crucial for the development of sustainable and resilient urban areas, affecting the health and well-being of residents.

The collaboration between Diona and Gippsland Water exemplifies effective partnerships in achieving sustainable development, showcasing how private and public entities can work together towards common sustainability goals.