Water Innovation Unlocks Community Growth
ESG Alignment
The Water North Zones program, a collaborative effort by Diona and Urban Utilities, is dedicated to enhancing environmental sustainability within water infrastructure projects. By replacing over 38,000 metres of water pipelines and rehabilitating essential facilities, the program significantly reduces water loss and improves efficiency. Initiatives such as the Scope 3 Carbon Emissions Study highlight our commitment to reducing greenhouse gas emissions, demonstrating a proactive approach to climate action. These sustainable practices ensure a reliable water supply while preserving environmental integrity for the community.
SDGs: 6 (Clean Water and Sanitation), 9 (Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure), 13 (Climate Action), 17 (Partnerships for the Goals)
Driving Sustainability and Efficiency in Water Management
Transforming everyday life, the Water North Zones program is enabling communities to thrive by keeping water flowing to homes and businesses across northern Brisbane, the Lockyer Valley and Somerset council regions.
While Diona’s partnership with Urban Utilities spans over 15 years, it’s the past four years that have seen a significant evolution within the program. The program model has fundamentally transformed infrastructure delivery, emphasising collaboration, innovation, and governance. This shift helps us meet customer needs better and adds real value for Urban Utilities and their customers.
Upgrading and maintaining the network, the program has replaced over 38,000 metres of water pipelines across 80 streets and rehabilitated critical facilities infrastructure including reservoirs, boosters and pump stations, ensuring reliability and security of water services.
Innovations like Customer Centric Water Isolations have played a pivotal role in reducing water outages for customers, thereby enhancing operational efficiency. Additionally, we have embraced new technologies such as the DionAR Augmented Reality mobile application to elevate community engagement and improve customer outcomes.
Our unwavering commitment to sustainability as evidenced by initiatives like the Scope 3 Carbon Emissions Study, has achieved an impressive 25% reduction in carbon emissions from pipeline renewal works, supporting Urban Utilities’ Net Zero goals.
Additionally, our focus on enhanced cost intelligence and data analysis has led to a 12% cost reduction and a target of $20 million in savings over the program’s lifespan, providing substantial financial benefits directly to Urban Utilities.
As we reflect on the transformative journey we’ve shared with Urban Utilities, we are incredibly proud of our collaborative achievements. We look forward to continuing our partnership, steering towards a more reliable and sustainable water future for all.