Diona’s Role in Pioneering Renewable Energy Education

Pioneering Renewable Energy Education at The Hills International College and Golf Academy

ESG Alignment

The installation of solar tracking panels at H-REP represents a direct investment in renewable energy, reducing reliance on fossil fuels and lowering carbon emissions. This aligns with global efforts to combat climate change and promotes environmental sustainability.

Education advancement: Collaborating with Queensland University of Technology (QUT) on albedo effect research utilises the installation as a living lab, contributing to scientific knowledge on how different surfaces reflect solar energy. This not only advances understanding of renewable energy efficiency but also educates the next generation on sustainable practices.

SDGs: 4 (Quality Education), 7 (Affordable and Clean Energy), 9 (Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure), 11 (Sustainable Cities and Communities), 13 (Climate Action), 17 (Partnerships for the Goals)

At a recent press event in Sydney, Trina Solar unveiled plans for further development at the Hills Renewable Energy Park (H-REP) at The Hills International College and Golf Academy in Jimboomba. This is a project where Diona’s expertise in renewable energy solutions has already made a significant impact. Chris Arrington, our Sustainability Manager, was at the event and shared, “Our involvement in the H-REP project has helped to lay the foundation for its future success and ongoing research outputs. It’s rewarding to help build an installation where environmental responsibility is valued and can inspire the next generation.”

Diona’s work to install the solar tracking panels and control interface at H-REP has brought the school valuable learning opportunities, and the ability to collaborate with QUT on the albedo effect research. These outcomes demonstrate how renewable energy can improve educational settings and support environmental health.

Reflecting on our role in H-REP and looking forward to future developments, Diona is committed to using our knowledge to aid sustainability and community wellbeing. This reflects our larger commitment to promoting renewable energy solutions and working towards a sustainable future.