Raising Awareness and Funds: A Year-End Triumph

ESG Alignment
Fundraising event to support batyr, promoting mental health awareness and raising significant funds through community involvement.
SDG 3 (Good Health and Well-being)
Celebrating Strength and Support: Diona’s 2018 Charity Events for batyr
In November and December 2018, Diona held our end of year staff and client charity events to celebrate the year that had been, and raise awareness and funds for our charity partner batyr. From ticket sales, sponsorships, raffles and donations, a total of $87,000 was raised for batyr – an amazing result that would not have been possible without the generous donations and sponsorship from our employees, clients and delivery partners!
Event Highlights
A hot air ballooning elephant sculpture took centre stage at the ‘Dream Circus’ themed events in Sydney, Brisbane and Melbourne to symbolise batyr’s mission of ‘giving a voice to elephant in the room – mental health’.
All in attendance were moved as guest speakers from batyr Jono Peatfield, Suz Russell and Matt McAlpine shared their personal stories of strength and resilience – a powerful message that it is okay not to be okay and that help is out there.