Securing Reliable Water Supply and Streamlining Future Maintenance
ESG Alignment
The project minimised environmental disruption by employing sustainable construction practices, enhancing drainage systems, and protecting local ecosystems through careful site management.
Community engagement and respect for Aboriginal heritage were key, with efforts to reduce disruption, promote local employment, and provide cultural awareness training.
The project exemplified strong governance through efficient management, adherence to safety standards, and the implementation of frameworks for future maintenance and operational efficiency.
Exciting news from New South Wales with the successful completion of the Kangaroo Valley Pipeline Roads and Drainage project for WaterNSW. This project upgraded the 2.5km access track parallel to the pipeline through regrading, concrete work, and surface improvements. This pipeline is essential to the Shoalhaven and Greater Sydney communities. These enhancements not only improve access for WaterNSW personnel to conduct inspections and maintenance but also protect the area from erosion, ensuring the long-term resilience of this vital water infrastructure.
Set amidst the stunning landscape of Kangaroo Valley and surrounded by the rich bushland of national parks, environmental stewardship was at the forefront of this project. Through sustainable construction practices, our project team minimised disruption to local ecosystems and safeguarded the surrounding environment, reflecting our deep respect for the land and its cultural significance. The team optimised project execution despite the challenges posed by uneven terrain and slopes of up to 30 degrees.
David Crowhurst, National Manager Stakeholder Engagement, highlighted the importance of community engagement and respect for Aboriginal heritage in this project. “We were honoured to collaborate with the Illawarra Local Aboriginal Land Council, who provided valuable guidance and cultural awareness training for our team. This hands-on learning experience deepened our understanding of Aboriginal culture, history, and the significance of preserving artifacts within the local area,” he said.
A heartfelt thank you to everyone involved, including our delivery partners for their dedication and hard work in making this project a resounding success.